Film Fan Fridays for Friday November 28, 2008

Hello Film Fans and Fanatics!

Welcome to Film Fan Fridays for Friday November 28, 2008! Can you believe it's almost December? I can't!

All the new releases are limited releases! Out of what we are looking at I'm most likely to check out the French thriller The Killer / Le Tueur. We also have the rather disturbing looking Restless. The biggest buzz for this weeks limited release is definitely for A Christmas Tale / Un conte de Noël, a Cannes charmer starring Bond's latest baddie Mathieu Amalric in a family drama. Oddly, even though it's gotten great buzz, no one I know personally liked it and I'm also a little leery consider for another reason: the film is French, but the trailer has a English voice over to 'walk you through' the set up. Weird.

There are no wide release this week hot off the coals are the mid week releases of Australia, Four Christmases and Transporter 3 all in wide release; or Milk in limited release.

Have a great weekend!


Festival Watch

Toronto Latin Media Festival
Continues until November 29, 2008 at various locations in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Brazil Film Fest
Continues until November 30, 2008 at the Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Eh!U European Film Festival
Continues until November 30, 2008
at various locations in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Special Screenings

Free Japanese Films at the Bloor!
Arrive early to check out films presented by the Japan Foundation at The Bloor this weekend:
Shangri-La (Dir: Takashi Miiki) Friday November 28, 2008 at 7pm
Breather In, Breathe Out (Dir: Tetsuo Shinohara) Saturday November 29, 2008 at 4:30pm
Half A Confession (Dir: Kiyoshi Sasabe) Saturday November 29, 2008 at 7:00pm

Wednesday November 26, 2008 Releases

Dir: Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge!, Romeo + Juliet, Strictly Ballroom)
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Bryan Brown
Official Film Site (autoplays trailer), IMDb Page, Trailer
Trailer site unseen - spoiler sensitive beware!

Four Christmases
Dir: Seth Gordon (The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters)
Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Vince Vaughn, Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek, Jon Voight, Mary Steenburgen
Official Film Site(autoplays trailer), IMDb Page, Trailer
Trailer is spoiler free

Dir: Gus Van Sant (Gerry, Paranoid Park, Good Will Hunting)
Cast: Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, James Franco, Alison Pill, Diego Luna
Limited Release
Official Film Site, IMDb Page, Trailer
You get the gist of the film by the halfway point

Transporter 3
Dir: Olivier Megaton (La Sirène rouge)
Cast: Jason Statham, Natalya Rudakova, François Berléand, Robert Knepper
Official Film Site (autoplays clips from film), IMDb Page, Trailer
Trailer 2a spoiler free until 2/3rds of the way through

Friday November 28, 2008 Releases

A Christmas Tale / Un conte de Noël
Dir: Arnaud Desplechin (Kings & Queens / Rois et reine)
Cast: Mathieu Amalric, Catherine Deneuve
Limited Release
Official Film Site, IMDb Page, Trailer

The Killer / Le Tueur
Writer/Dir: Cédric Anger - directorial debut
Cast: Grégoire Colin, Gilbert Melki
Limited Release
Film info on Evokative Films Site, IMDb Page, Trailer
You get the gist of the film at halfway point

Writer/Dir: Amos Kollek (Nowhere to Go But Up, Bridget)
Cast: Moshe Ivgy, Ran Danker
Limited Release
Film MySpace Page, IMDb Page, Trailer (includes mature content)
Trailer is spoiler free

**please note this list of releases reflects first run film released in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as of November 28, 2008**

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