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Donnie Yen Chi Tan yesterday attended the GUM YI WAI (BROCADE-CLAD GUARD) production start ceremony with Vicki Zhao Wei and Wu Chen. After last year's PAINTED SKIN (WAT PEI), Chi Tan and Zhao Wei were together again in a film. In it they had many emotional scenes and developed a romantic love story.

Chi Tan's performance this time was both "romantic" and "action", which was another new challenge to him. Chi Tan even joked, "I not only have to fight well, but also have to have a good romance with Zhao Wei." Zhao Wei in the film also had action scenes.

As for working with Wu Chun for the first time, Chi Tan frankly said that every new new co-star to him had certain new challenges. He was confident that his collaboration with Wu Chun would create sparks. Wu Chun again worked on a costume action film since BUTTERFLY LOVERS (MO HUP LEUNG JOOK), but the mild mannered looking actor in the film played a dubious judge. The character was obviously different from his own personality. In the film he also had many fight scenes with Chi Tan. Although fighting with a martial art veteran was very stressful, he saw this character as a new challenge and remained tough. Wu Chun avoided questions about Fahrenheit members' future solo developments and did not answer directly.

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