[2009.06.14] WU CHEN IS USED IN A CON

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Wu Chen and Kate Tsui Tsz Shan two days ago attended the film 14 BLADES' press conference. Wu Chen in the film will play a highway robber and the role will require a lot of leg work. He expressed that for his leg training he had to stretch everyday until his clothes were soaked. Wu Chen even revealed that he will be daring in the film and show his abdomen. He said, "This costume made me have to work out." In addition, Tsui Tsz Shan will play a cold killer.

As for the film's earlier rumored 'recruitment con", the producer expressed that this film since its announcement had many illegal attempts through actor and crew recruitment cons. She was rather troubled and only hoped to clarify the matter through the media. The film company never through any site recruited actors.

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