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Yesterday Nicholas Tse Ting Fung, director Teddy Chan Tak Sum, cartoon PLEASANT GOAT AND BIG BIG WOLF's chief planner So Wing Lok attended a Department of Education celebrity forum as the trio shared with a group of elementary and secondary school students and teachers how art promotes Hong Kong creative industry in film and animation. Ting Fung and Chan Tak Sum also talked about how they got into the business. Ting Fung revealed that when he was young he broke a second hand drum set that he bought in three months. He also talked about how he only focused on learning kung fu when he was a child and did not put an effort in learning
piano, which he regretted very much. In addition, as a Hong Kong film professional, Ting Fung hoped that Hong Kong film one day would be able to shoot on location like THE DARK KNIGHT at the Central International Financial Center. He said, "I feel inferior, why can't Hong Kong people shoot on location in Hong Kong! Foreigners can shoot on location in Hong Kong!" With the current Mainland enormous market, Ting Fung also hoped that his son's Putonghua will be as fluent as his.

Ting Fung yesterday originally stated that he will not answer questions about his wife's pregnancy. After the forum he kept posing for photos with students. Although he had to return to work in the Mainland, he answered questions from the media. Ting Fung honestly admitted that his new film THE STOOL PIGEON (SIN YUN) will start production on November 2. He will begin work on the 10th. As for whether he was willing to shave his head, he said, "I shaved for BODYGUARDS AND ASSASSINS (SUP YUET WAI SING). I can't do anything about it, I am an actor and not a model. Later I have to work on SHAOLIN TEMPLE. In between I also have another film. I would have to wear a bald cap for the shoots aren't continuous!" Ting Fung this year has had endless film offers. He revealed that his films will shoot until May, but he expressed that earlier he and his wife went to Michael Jackson's new film. When asked whether he will keep his wife company during her pregnancy, Ting Fung said, "Don't waste the movie. The director will accommodate me. I will take time to keep her company."

The media asked whether Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi was truly with child. Ting Fung could not hide his joy and officially made the announcement. He said, "When you ask me I have to ask her back. Yes! Now it is more certain, stop bothering us!" As for whether Pak Chi was with twins as rumored, Ting Fung said, "No, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet." Does Lucas want a little brother or sister? He said, "He is only two!" Ting Fung revealed that many friends called him about his wife's pregnancy. Yesterday he admitted that Pak Chi is two months pregnant. Ting Fung said, "She knows about my film production schedules, we will have to see how her condition is."

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