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Teddy Robin Kwan

Miriam Yeung

Lam Ka Tung, producer of Best Picture GALLANTS

Johnnie To Kei Fung, Ivy Ho (Ong Sai)
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To honor local film industry professionals, the 17th Hong Kong Film Critic Society Award was presented yesterday at the Hong Kong Film Archive. Best Actor Teddy Robin Kwan and Best Actress Miriam Yeung Chin Wa both accepted their awards in person. Chin Wa dressed up to accept her first film honor. When she accepted the award from Johnnie To Kei Fung she was so touched that she was teary eyed.

Earlier the event has already announced the winners. Yesterday many winners including Ivy Ho (On Sai), Su Chao-Pin, Lam Ka Tung, Teddy Robin, Yeung Chin Wa attended. The event also asked To Kei Fung to be the special guest presenter. First time Best Actress Yeung Chin Wa dressed up for the occasion and became the media focus. When she accepted the Best Actress award she was tearfully touched. Chin Wa said, "I don't have any reason to be so scared, so excited! Beyond scared! I have to thank Ms. (Elaine) Lok, Brother (Lawrence) Tan and (Barbara) Wong Chun Chun!" After settling down, she said, "I am very glad to have a long road ahead, I still have room for improvement! I am very happy that the event recognized my actor identity!" She also took the chance to promote and said, "Actually I am not expensive, we can meet in person to negotiate!" Chin Wa later admitted that she had no idea about why she was teary eyed. She said, "I don't know why I was so excited even though I knew the result in advance! I never imagined accepting the award from To Sir's hands, I hoped to have more chances to act from now on!" As for taking the chance to make opportunities, Chin Wa honestly said that on many occasions the negotiations were secret. She said, "If I run into a good script and company idea I would do the same! (Would you work for free?) If the company doesn't take a commission then I can!" She smiled and said that she planned to bring the award to bed. Was she confident about the Hong Kong Film Award? She said, "I never thought about winning! The nomination was already more than enough!"

In addition, Best Actor Teddy Robin won his first film award in Hong Kong, which he was very satisfied. He said, "I don't act much, over the years I have only 20 some movies. I worked behind the scene more. However this victory is cherished, it is unexpected!" As for the Hong
Kong Film Award Best Supporting Actor nomination, he said that the company enrolled him into the competition. Teddy Robin said, "In the film I can be Lead or Supporting Actor. Hong Kong Film Award is industry recognized so I hope for even better opportunities, but the nomination is
already a victory for me!" He said that GALLANTS (DA LUI TOI) boss Andy Lau Tak Wa will treat them to dinner to celebrate.

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