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Nicholas Tse Ting Fung and Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi's marital troubles gradually are in the clear. Pak Chi who has been silent for a long time two days ago finally struck back, claiming that Ting Fung was not a good husband and a good father. Two nights ago Ting Fung's good friend returned fire on the microblog and supported Ting Fung as a low key good father. Yesterday Ting Fung issued a statement and said that he has already made a painful decision and starting yesterday would work hard on his family matters. Although he did not specifically say divorce, in his statement he thanked Pak Chi for all that she gave over five years and sent his well wishes. Seemingly the "Fung Chi" five year marriage could end at any time.

Two days Pak Chi's friend and manager Emily both struck back on behalf of Pak Chi, citing that Ting Fung loved to act on and off camera as he was neither a good husband nor a good father. Pak Chi also personally said that Ting Fung was not a good father on a certain newspaper interview. Ting Fung who has been working in Malaysia did not respond until yesterday when he finally issued a statement.

"In recent months the media had different reports and speculations about the state of my family and my marriage. I Tse Ting Fung have always put protecting the family first and hoped to reduce the effects of the matter on my family and my sons, thus I have always kept my silence.
After further consideration, today I finally made a painful decision. From today on I will start to handle my family affairs and hope to stop all outside speculations as soon as possible, so my family can bring in peace again and I hope my sons can grow up to be healthy and happy."

"Recently the media have been all over the place to cover my family matter, I want to thank the concern of the media and the public; I also thank a group of friends and fans who have always cared and supported me; I am sincerely sorry about any damage or disturbance that this matter has caused my family, friends and all those related. For now I will not make any further response about my marriage and family in order to avoid further harm to my family. I hope everyone can understand and tolerate my silence so I can quickly resolve the family matter and focus on work. Finally, I deeply thank Pak Chi for all that she has given over these five years and sincerely wish her well."

In addition, Ting Fung's good friend Sai Yun two nights ago posted online to mainly strike back at the accusation that Pak Chi's good friend has made about Ting Fung. She said that although Ting Fung was working on a movie in Malaysia, earlier he took a day to return to Hong Kong to celebrate Quintus' birthday. No one caught him on camera did not mean that he did not love his son, he only wanted his children to live like children of an ordinary family. He did not want his son to be the focus like when he was a child. She pointed out that Ting Fung often took Lucas swimming and played video games and drums together. Siu Yun also said that as soon as Pak Chi got home she would hand her sons for the maid to take care of. As for Pak Chi giving a watch and a vehicle to Ting Fung and absolutely was not greedy, Siu Yun pointed out that this was only "1/100,000" of what Ting Fung gave. She also pointed out that if Pak Chi wanted to protect the family, she should not perform this act. The pressure that Pak Chi suffered Ting Fung also suffered from as well, only Ting Fung never wanted to "spread the family matter outside".

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