Favourite Trailers from 2011

I have oodles of lists I want to share of 2011 but I think the one with the most surprizing results is my favourite trailers. I think most trailers too much of the films they are showcasing, but there are ones that can give us a taste and leave us wanting more, or ones that tell their own story possibly better than the film itself. Lets look at the trailers that wowed.

Shannon the Movie Moxie's Favourite Trailers of 2011:

Battle: Los Angeles
I love this trailer, in part because it doesn't feel like it shows too much and also because of it's use of music and sound. I also love how it gives that sense of overwhelm and awe.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

I'm a fan of the Saga and using this trailer as a way to 'invite' the fans & viewers to the wedding was very sweet.

We Bought a Zoo
I almost gave this one a miss because knowing the title diminishing the experience of watching the trailer from a reveal point of view, but watching it for the first time was one of the best trailer moments I had this year.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon
I know, I know - I didn't expect the Transformers three-quel to appear on any of my lists other than 'I'm not surprized I didn't see it' list, but credit shall be given where it's due and this trailer deserves it for uniquely telling an interesting story in it of itself. And than it suckered us because it was a transformers film.

I could watch this one over and over again for it's beauty and for the dance. Expressive, intense, gorgeous.

Fun Trailer Notations of 2011:
  • Trailers most viewed in the theatre: Both Priest and Cowboys vs Aliens were played in front of 5 times! I saw theatrically in 2011.Priest played with The Roommate, The Eagle, Battle Los Angeles, Sucker Punch & Hobo with a Shotgun and Cowboys vs Aliens played with Sanctum, Fast Five, Thor, Super 8 & True Legend.
  • Number of films with zero trailers: Just 1 - War of the Arrows was the only film I saw this year with no trailers.
  • Unknown Trailers - both The Help & Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 showed trailers that I either: a) couldn't figure out what the film was or b) couldn't read my handwriting after (1 occurrence of each)
  • Trailers I'm retrospectively glad I didn't see because of spoilers: The Tree of Life and Drive
  • With the completion of the Harry Potter series, which I never watched any trailers for as I didn't want to be spoiled by any content, I feel now that I don't have to panic while sitting in the theatre waiting to see what's next. There will likely be more trailers I avoid, but few with the intensity of that series.
  • Special notation to the trailer for upcoming 2012 film The Hunger Games. It's too spoiler to post but dang it made me cry. Here is a link to it and only watch it if you've read the book!
What were your trailers from 2011?

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