Kevin Cheng Ka Wing (left) and Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming (right) kiss the winner

Trumpet time!
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The cast of TVB's A FISTFUL OF STANCES celebrated with Wai Ying Hung

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The first Hong Kong Film Award Best Actress Kara Hui (Wai Ying Hung) two nights ago reclaimed it with AT THE END OF DAYBREAK (SUM MOR). Winning it again after 28 years, Siu Hung had quite a sensation. Two nights ago after the ceremony, Wai Ying Hung treated guests to her celebration. A FISTFUL OF STANCES (TEET MA CHUM KIU)'s actors after watching the finale immediately rushed over to celebrate. Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming and Kevin Cheng Ka Wing even kissed Siu Hung at the same time. Siu Hung was so happy that she was all over the place all night. She even opened champagne bottles and launched confetti cannons outside with fans. Siu Hung also "played the trumpet" (drinking from the bottle) boldly.

Siu Hung could not hide her excitement as she honestly said that she truly was very happy about the victory. She said, "After the announcement Ng Kwan Yu hug me and told me not to cry, but she at the time was already crying. She and I truly are very good friends, since THE INSPECTOR WEARS SKIRTS (BA WONG FA) our relationship has been very solid, Ka Fai too. I am very happy to have so many good friends." Which was more joyous, winning the Golden Horse or this time? She said, "Although I was very happy about the Golden Horse, ultimately this Hong Kong Film Award has an emotional connection, everything I said on stage came from the heart. Luckily my friends supported me, otherwise I don't know if anyone would have a chance to see me." Siu Hung with AT THE END OF DAYBREAK won four awards. She said that her new nickname was Four Great Blessings. Was she confident about the Chinese Film Media Award Best Actress? She expressed that nominees included Zhou Xun and Li Bingbing, she still felt that her chance would not be likely but she was happy that she was popular in the Mainland. She joked, "How many awards did (Nick) Cheung Ka Fai win?) Reporters told her Ka Fai was a "six time Best Actor". Siu Hung said, "Hopefully I can close the distance with him." Siu Hung also revealed that before the announcement she was afraid that her heart would overload so she took some heart medicine to stay calm. She said, "Because I took some medicine, I was able to give the thank you speech so calmly. I regret that I forgot to thank the media." Siu Hung would rest for a day then return to her new series productions.

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