Lee To Hung, Chung Wai Bing, (third left), Meg Lam Kin Ming (fourth left), Man Shuet Yi (second right)

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Kara Hui (Wai Ying Hung) again won the Hong Kong Film Award Best Actor. Her friends Chung Wai Bing, Meg Lam Kin Ming, Man Shuet Yi and Lee To Hung two nights ago celebrated with her. The fresh out of the oven Best Actress said, "Tonight my friends of many years are here, anyone I know less than 20 years can't get in." Lam Kin Ming prepared champagne and brandy from France and gave her a red heart pendant. Chung Wai Bing gave a crystal bear pendant, which she stressed was for her to meet Mr. Right soon. Later her friends revealed that they will go to Guangzhou and cheer Siu Hung on for a Mainland Best Actress award.

Holding the Best Actress award tightly, Siu Hung could not hide her joy. "Years ago I posed for photos dressed like the award, at the time Hong Kong Film Award didn't exist yet." She also revealed that two days ago when she worked on a TVB program she was moved to tears again. She said two days ago when she watched the award winning moment again, she realized what she said. Siu Hung said, "I am very sorry to (Ann) Hui Wa On, that night I wanted to say the film title INVISIBLE SECRETS (YAU LING YUN GAN) but messed it up. Hui On Wa has always had confidence in me, I want to thank her very much. Yet I have never said thank you to her because I was afraid that people would say I would kissing up. I only sent text messages during the Lunar New Year." Right now was she only missing a male companion? She said, "Don't rush me, love can't be rushed. I believe what the fortune teller says, the soonest will be next year."

Siu Hung also expressed that she had lunch with Lee Tim Sing two days ago at Television City. She stressed that she was very good friends with Sheren Tang Shui Man so she did not mind playing support.

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