Shu Qi, Donnie Yen Chi Tan

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The 67th Annual Venice International Film Festival will take place in September. The Media Asia, Enlight Pictures and Shanghai Film Group 120 million yuan RMB film LEGEND OF THE FIST THE RETURN OF CHEN ZHEN (JING MO FUNG WON CHEN ZHEN) will open the Venice Film Festival and a new chapter in Hong Kong film.

Director Andrew Lau Wai Keung, actors Donnie Yen Chi Tan and Shu Qi on September 1 will appear on the Venice red carpet for the night's world premiere. Chi Tan and Venice opening films have quite a connection. In 2005 he with Tsui Hark's SEVEN SWORDS (CHUT GIM) opened Venice. This year returning to the red carpet, he felt it will be more exciting than the first time but also at the same time he will have some pressure because the focus on LEGEND OF THE FIST THE RETURN OF CHEN ZHEN will be on Chen Zhen. September 1 will be its global premiere. He hoped that his martial art action and acting would receive recognition from the audience and the jury.

Director Lau Wai Keung also participated in Venice with INITIAL D (TAU MAN JI D) in 2005. This was his first opening film, which to him was of course worth celebrating. He expressed, "Knowing that my work can be the Venice opening film, of course I am very excited. Hopefully this film will bring the jury a pleasant surprise and excitement. This time I will be able to work to Venice with Chi Tan and Shu Qi, which I believe will be a very happy journey."

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