DVD Releases for September 28, 2010

Time to have a look at the weekly DVD releases and what's out today Tuesday September 28, 2010.

First up is one of my most anticipated and favourite films of the year and one I have been looking forward to it's DVD release ever since it came out in theatres and that is the chilling 3 friends stuck on a chair lift film, the one and only Frozen. Seriously, you need to see it - it's awesome as is the dark comedy Perrier's Bounty from Ian Fitzgibbon (A Film with Me in It) and starring Cillian Murphy and Jim Broadbent. Brilliant comedy there. Also brilliant is the South African film Gangster's Paradise Jerusalema which follows a crime/drama inspired by true event about a the rise of a entrepreneurial gangster.

We also have the release of Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky, a fantastic biopic starring the title roles played by Anna Mouglalis and Mads Mikkelsen respectively. Keeping it kinda real is the part concert/part narrative film This Movie Is Broken featuring Broken Social Scene. Documentary of the week goes to the Canadian film Reel Injun, which follows the "trail of Hollywood Indian".

Unseen but curious about films of the week include Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars which looks hilarious from the trailer & who can resist bloggy goodness? Also out is historical drama Good starring Viggo Mortensen, Mark Strong and Jason Isaacs and the rather controversial release of The Killer Inside Me from director Michael Winterbottom and starring Casey Affleck, Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson.

Biggie of the week goes to Iron Man 2 which still holds strong as the highest grossing opening weekend of the year in Canada and North America, although I know very few folks that really enjoyed it. Also out is the comedy Get Him to the Greek.

Criterion has as always some very interesting titles in release, this week we see the release of Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence and The Thin Red Line.

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