Poll Results: What March Release Are You Most Looking Forward To?

A clear winner in the poll this time round with Battle: Los Angeles coming in at 30% for your the March Release you are most looking forward to, with Sucker Punch not that far behind with 21%. Seems like high flying action and alien invasions are all the rage! Get more classical are the ties with Jane Eyre and Red Riding Hood which tied at 12%, and a little more adventure with romance with both The Adjustment Bureau and Beastly at 9%. Rounding out the votes are the unlikely duo of Hobo with a Shotgun and The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom at 3%.

30% - Battle: Los Angeles
21% - Sucker Punch
12% - Tie: Jane Eyre and Red Riding Hood
9% - Tie: The Adjustment Bureau and Beastly
3% - Tie: Hobo with a Shotgun and The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom

thanks for voting!

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