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Gao Yuanyuan, Louis Koo Tin Lok, Daniel Wu (Ng Yin Cho) and producer Wai Ka Fai two nights ago attended the DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART (DAN SUN NAM NUI) premiere.

Working with Jackie Chan on ROB B HOOD (BO BUI GAI WAT) 5 years ago, Gao Yuanyuan said about Mainland star Xu Jinglei's earlier "kiss" with Jackie Chan in Beijing, "The news is nonsense, I don't want to talk about it." Later she said that goodbye kiss actually was very normal, but perhaps it was a big deal when it happened between Chinese people. When she worked with Jackie Chan, she pointed out Big Brother treated everyone great and was not arrogant at all. he would even do set chores like moving boxes, which surprised her. She also felt that a kiss was only a polite gesture, but reporters claimed that Big Brother kissed Xu Jinglei's lips. She said, "On the cheek was fine, but on the lips was too passionate."

Goo Jai revealed that earlier for the new film HIGH ALTITUDE ROMANCE 2 (GO HOI BUT JI LUEN II) he worked on drinking and riding a motorcycle scene. During the shoot he did not know about a slope and carefully went off a hill. He said, "At the time I was already alert and jumped off right away, but my hand landed first on the ground. Finally the right wrist tendon was torn. However the doctor said it was very minor. The crew even praised that my jump looked great!" After the DON'T promotion Goo Jai would return to work in Shangri-La and still had water scenes and action scenes. He honestly said that he would like to take two to three months off to go on vacation with his family, but now it would be tough. He would still fight for it though.

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