The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

Dir: John Ford (The Grapes of Wrath, My Darling Clementine)

Cast: James Stewart, John Wayne, Lee Marvin
USA, 1962

Seen: November 4, 2007 thanks to Toronto Public Library

Reason to see: I realized I had not seen any of John Wayne films and considering I am looking at westerns for the month, that had to be changed.

Now this is one heck of a film. A stellar cast brings a diverse group of characters to life in this tale in a town named Shinbone. The film explores the question of realism versus idealism in how to deal with a evil man named Liberty Valance, and as the town runs as a whole. Is it possible to change the tide, or will people always stick to your guns (literally or figuratively). It’s a beautiful, rich film and delves much deeper than many of the westerns I’ve seen and although I have to admit I was surprised at the casting of James Stewart was in a western but the choice is 100% perfect. It was also exciting to finally see a film with John Wayne, who I recognized within seconds after hearing his voice. It’s no wonder John Wayne is a favourite of the genre with his great lines with perfect delivery to quick and strong moves all with more style and charm than anyone else on the screen.

Shannon's Overall View:
I thought it was brilliant
I’d happily watch it again
I’d recommend it

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© Shannon Ridler, 2007

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