Mystic Ball

Director: Greg Hamilton - directorial debut
Documentary on Chinlone, the Myanmar sport
Canada/US, 2006

Seen: July 18, 2006 - Academy screening at the NFB with Jamie. Filmmaker Greg Hamilton in attendance.

Reason to see: Sounded fascinating

I feel really lucky to have been able to see this screening. Mystic Ball was Hot Doc's winner of Special Jury Prize for best Canadian Feature as well as coming in second for Audience Choice Award, and boy, did it deserve it. A wonderful documentary following one man's journey to the other side of the world to explore Chinlone the non-competative sport of Myanmar. However, it isn't just about learning a new sport but about connecting with other people. A beautiful demonstration of how unlikely events can lead you to exactly where you are suppose to be. Not to be missed.

For more info, check out the film's site here.

Shannon's Overall View:
I really enjoyed it
I would watch it again - I'll be keeping my eye out for it
I highly recommend it

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© Shannon Ridler, 2006

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